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 Image for Series RHRS Outside Air Humidity Transmitter Radiation Shield
Series RHRS Outside Air Humidity Transmitter Radiation Shield
Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN
21 Jan 2011
Dwyer Instruments, Inc., is announcing the release of its NEW RHRS OUTSIDE AIR HUMIDITY TRANSMITTER RADIATION SHIELD for protection of outside air humidity transmitters from rain and radiated heat.
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 Image for Dwyer Instruments Model RHRS Outside Air Humidity Radiation Shield
Dwyer Instruments Model RHRS Outside Air Humidity Radiation Shield
Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN
5 Mar 2010
The Model RHRS Radiation Shield from Dwyer Instruments protects outside air humidity transmitters from rain and radiated heat. With the curved shape and color of the plates, air flow is able to move across the sensor to keep radiated temperatures from rooftops and surrounding surfaces from affecting humidity readings.
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 Image for Series RH Humidity or Humidity/Temperature Transmitter
Series RH Humidity or Humidity/Temperature Transmitter
Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN
6 Jan 2006
Dwyer Instruments, Inc. is announcing the release of its new series RH Transmitter. The new Series RH Humidity or Humidity/Temperature Transmitter provides a stable, repeatable, and accurate means of measuring humidity only or humidity and temperature in the harshest of environments. The polymer capacitance sensor is not affected by condensation, fog, high humidity, or contaminants. The state of the art sensor is designed for years of calibration-free service.
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