Aremco Product's Ceramabind 643-1 Now Used To Produce High Temperature Coatings

Press Release:
  May 15, 2014 — Ceramabind™ 643-1 from Aremco is an inorganic, water-dispersed, potassium silicate binder that resists temperatures to 3000 ºF (1650 ºC) and is ideal for formulating high temperature adhesives and coatings. It is mixed easily with a wide range of oxide and metallic powders into an inert, electrically, chemically and wear resistant material that will not outgas under ultra high vacuum (UHV).

Ceramabind™ 643-1 is formulated to a viscosity of 50-60 cP, solids content by weight of 30.0–35.0%, specific gravity of 1.25–1.30 g/cc, and pH of 11.0. Setting at room temperature for 1–2 hours then heating to 200, 350 and 500 ºF for 1 hour each, respectively, cures mixtures. Cleanup is accomplished easily using warm water.

Ceramabind™ 643-1 is used typically to formulate corrosion protective coatings for high temperature metal structures including rotary calciners, boilers and heat exchangers, and producing chemically resistant adhesives and patching compounds.

Ceramabind™ 643-1 is available from stock in pint, quart, gallon and five-gallon drums. Please contact Aremco's Technical Sales Group for more information about this advanced new material.
Tags: water-dispersed, potassium silicate binder, resistant material
Company Details:
 Contact:Peter Schwartz 
 E-mail:pschwartz -at- aremco -dot- com 
 Company:Aremco Products, Inc. View Company Profile 
 Address:work707-B Executive Blvd. 
 Location:workValley Cottage, NY 10989  United States 
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