Eriez® Offers Free Literature Showcasing Metalworking Fluid Recycling Products from its Hydroflow® Division

Press Release:
  Apr 8, 2011 — Erie, Pa. — The Eriez® Hydroflow® line of Fluid Recycling products help metalworking companies maximize coolant effectiveness and longevity while improving productivity and reducing disposal costs. Customers can now learn more about this product line through a free, full-color brochure that is being offered from Eriez.

"Metalworking Fluid Recycling and Management Equipment” highlights various fluid recycling solutions from Eriez that are specifically geared to the type of fluid used in metalworking operations.

Fluid recycling applications include parts washing, machining, grinding, honing, super finishing and EDM where fluids from water-based coolants to straight oil lubricants are required. Some of the solutions featured in the literature include:

• CRS Fluid Recycling Systems, which are self contained coolant and fluid management systems capable of recycling any water-miscible fluid to its maximum potential. These include the CRS 120SS side-by-side, CRS 120ST stacked, CRS300SS side-by-side and CRS 300ST stacked.

• Solids-from-Liquid Centrifuges that provide continuous MEDIA-FREE filtration of both metallic and nonmetallic solids from industrial fluids.

• The broadest selection of sump cleaners in the industry. Solutions range from inexpensive drum top cleaners to the industry’s widely-recognized sump cleaner.

• Products for removing tramp oil, including Portable Tramp Oil Separators, Portable Coalescers, Tank Side Coalescers and Surface Oil Skimmers.

To download "Metalworking Fluid Recycling and Management Equipment” in PDF format, visit To obtain a hard copy of this literature, contact Eriez and request brochure FB-106.

Eriez is recognized as world authority in advanced technology for magnetic, vibratory and inspection applications. The company’s magnetic lift and separation, metal detection, x-ray, materials feeding, screening, conveying and controlling equipment have application in the process, metalworking, packaging, recycling, mining, aggregate and textile industries. Eriez manufactures and markets these products through ten international facilities located on six continents. For more information, call toll-free (888) 300-ERIEZ (3743) within the U.S. and Canada. For online users, visit or send e-mail to Eriez World Headquarters is located at 2200 Asbury Road, Erie, PA 16506.

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Tags: Eriez, Free Literature, Metalworking Fluid Recycling, Hydroflow
Company Details:
 Contact:Keith Johns 
 E-mail:lwhaling -at- eriez -dot- com 
 Company:ERIEZ View Company Profile 
 Address:work2200 Asbury Road 
 Location:workErie, PA 16506  United States 
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