Lista International Corporation Presents Electrostatic Dissipative (ESD) Workstations

Press Release:
  Apr 25, 2012 — Lista International Corporation offers its electrostatic dissipative (ESD) Workstation Systems that are certified to meet specific electrical property requirements assuring static dissipation at a safe rate. Lista pedestals and workbench components can be protected by static dissipative powder-coat finishes that are available in three standard colors. The workbenches also feature worksurfaces and shelves with static dissipative plastic laminate. Worksurfaces and shelves have ground bolts with a 12' grounding cord assuring contact for proper grounding.

Lista Workstation Systems, the most durable in the industry, can be configured in a variety of heights and lengths, with cabinet pedestals and/or legs. By offering flexibility of components, Lista enables users to create a workbench suited to their specific needs without custom cost. To further customize the workstations, Lista offers a variety of accessories, from electrical outlets to riser shelves to parts racks.

Lista ESD drawer storage cabinets can serve as pedestals for the workstations. In addition, a broad selection of dividing and partitioning accessories as well as conductive plastic boxes for the cabinet drawers allow users to create customized storage compartments. This feature provides the flexibility to accommodate changing storage requirements.

Also, cabinet pedestals can be outfitted with drawers, roll-out trays and shelves in any combination or sequence, so items of different sizes can be stored in one system.

To find out more about Lista ESD Workstation Systems, call or write: Lista International Corporation, 106 Lowland Street, Holliston, MA 01746; TEL 1-800-722-3020; FAX 508-626-0353; EMAIL Visit Lista’s web site at
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Tags: workstations, ESD
Categorized Under: ESD Workstations
Company Details:
 Contact:Anne Smagorinsky 
 E-mail:annesmagorinsky -at- listaintl -dot- com 
 Company:Lista International Corp. View Company Profile 
 Address:work106 Lowland St. 
 Location:workHolliston, MA 01746  United States 
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