New Brochure Explains Eriez® Xtreme® Rare Earth Magnets are the Strongest—Regardless of Pull Test Kit Used

Press Release:
  Sep 13, 2012 — Erie, PA. — Eriez® has released a new brochure, “Test Methods Differ, Outcomes Don’t…Xtreme® Rare Earth Magnets are the Strongest.” The four-page literature is offered by request in hard copy format and available for immediate download from the company’s website.

The brochure explains that most equipment manufacturers offer similar tools to measure a permanent magnet’s pull test strength. Generally, these pull test kits contain a scale and a series of mild steel test spheres, blocks and aluminum spacers.

Test pieces (spheres and blocks) in these kits vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and will yield very different results--up to 12 percent--when using the same scale. The brochure points out that since measurement pieces differ, it is vital that all comparative tests be performed using the same pull test piece to ensure accurate results.

Helpful diagrams illustrate how the test results of a 1/4-inch, mild steel sphere will fluctuate based on the test piece. Figure A, the Eriez test piece, is a 1/4-inch test sphere suspended by a three-inch rod of non-magnetic material. By contrast, Figure B, a competitor’s test piece, uses a similar oversized 1/4-inch sphere attached to a magnetic stainless steel ring and a magnetic scale hook. Since the ring and hook are magnetic and positioned within the tube’s magnetic field, it requires greater pull force than the lone single sphere suspended from the scale.

The last page of the brochure showcases a performance test conducted by Pennsylvania State University that compares the strength of Eriez Xtreme Rare Earth Magnets with competitive magnets. The results prove that Eriez Xtreme Rare Earth Magnets consistently score higher than other magnetic assemblies. For more details and to download the report, visit

To obtain a hard copy of “Test Methods Differ, Outcomes Don’t...Xtreme® Rare Earth Magnets are the Strongest,” contact Eriez and request brochure B-93. To download the literature in PDF format, visit

Eriez is recognized as world authority in advanced technology for magnetic, vibratory and inspection applications. The company’s magnetic lift and separation, metal detection, x-ray, materials feeding, screening, conveying and controlling equipment have application in the process, metalworking, packaging, recycling, mining, aggregate and textile industries. Eriez manufactures and markets these products through 12 international facilities located on six continents. For more information, call toll-free (888) 300-ERIEZ (3743) within the U.S. and Canada. For online users, visit or send email to Eriez World Headquarters is located at 2200 Asbury Road, Erie, PA 16506.

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Tags: eriez, pull test kit, xtreme rare earth magnets
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 Contact:Keith Jones 
 E-mail:lwhaling -at- eriez -dot- com 
 Company:ERIEZ View Company Profile 
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 Location:workErie, PA 16506  United States 
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