SERAPID Heavy Duty Telescopic Lifting Columns for High Cycle Automotive Scissor Lift Table

Press Release:
  Mar 25, 2011 — SERAPID, Inc recently provided two high cycle, heavy duty automotive BIW scissor lift tables for a material handling company, who integrated them into a larger system for a major automotive company.

The BIW scissor lift tables provided by SERAPID cycle once every 50 seconds, or 29 times per hour for a total of 250,000 cycles per year at a speed of 40 feet per minute. The tables are equipped with SERAPID HD (heavy duty) Lift columns. These HD Lifts are specifically designed for high operating cycles (more than 10 cycles an hour).

The tables lift and lower an approximately 1100 pound automotive shell 31 inches over the 50-second cycle.

SERAPID specializes in horizontal and vertical motion through the use of our Rigid Chain Technology. The Rigid Chain is a telescopic mechanical actuator that is flexible in one direction and rigid like a steel beam in the other.

For more information on the SERAPID HD Lift, or any other actuator or lifting column offered by SERAPID, visit their web site,, call (586) 274-0774, or e-mail them:
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Tags: lift columns, heavy duty scissor lift tables, automotive scissor lift tables, high cycle scissor lifts, serapid, serapid lifts, rigid chain
Categorized Under: Scissor Lifts
Company Details:
 Contact:Ann Marie Fortunate 
 E-mail:info-us -at- serapid -dot- com 
 Company:Serapid, Inc View Company Profile 
 Address:work5400 18 Mile Road 
 Location:workSterling Hts, MI 48314  United States 
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