Die Table Provided to Automotive Parts Supplier For Faster Exchange of Dies Utilizes SERAPID Telescopic Push-Pull System

Press Release:
  Jan 28, 2011 — SERAPID, Inc., recently designed and built a Die Table for faster exchange of dies for an automobile parts supplier utilizing the RollBeam Telescopic Push-Pull actuator.

The Die Table has a 12 ton capacity for dies measuring up to 54 inches by 120 inches. The dies travel at a speed of 10 feet per minute approximately 110 inches in and out of the press. A pair of engineered bolster extensions hinged at the die table provide a retractable 42 inch bridge so the area immediately adjacent to the press can be kept clear during production.

The SERAPID RollBeam Telescopic Actuator was used so the die could be pushed across the hinged bolster extension and up to 12 inches onto the bolster. The RollBeam is uniquely capable of pushing into an area and then retracting fully out of the area.

SERAPID’s Quick Die eXchange (QDX) equipment covers the entire process of Die Change - from clamping to positioning to transport. Visit www.serapid.us for more information.
For more information: http://www.serapidusa.com/about-serapid/news-and-trade-shows/die-table-provided-automobile-parts-supplier-faster-exchange-dies
 Additional link: http://serapid.thomasnet-navigator.com/category/quick-die-change-die-clamps-die-carts? 
Tags: serapid, quick die change, push-pull system, telescopic linear actuator, die table, die cart, bolster extensions
Categorized Under: Quick Die Change Systems
Company Details:
 Contact:Ann Marie Fortunate 
 E-mail:am -dot- fortunate -at- serapid -dot- com 
 Company:Serapid, Inc View Company Profile 
 Address:work5400 18 Mile Road 
 Location:workSterling Hts, MI 48314  United States 
 Web Site:http://www.serapid.com