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Contact Information:
Company: AmbaFlex Inc
Address:work2202 113th Street, Suite 112
 workGrand Prairie, TX 75050  United States
Phone:Phoneworkpref877-800-1634 (Toll-Free)
Fax:fax877-800-1635 (Toll-Free)
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
Contacts: Phil Miller - President
 Jerry Vaughn - Sales
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About AmbaFlex Inc:
 Company LogoAmbaFlex is a leading supplier of slat belt specialty conveyors including "Spiralveyor" spiral conveyors and "AmbaVeyor" modular conveyor. With an installed base of over 5,000 machines in the recent years, AmbaFlex has proven their capabilities to offer unique solutions. AmbaFlex is preferred by integraters and end users world wide. AmbaFlex offers space saving solutions for applications handling cartons, boxes, totes, packaged goods, bottles, cans, etc. - most products. Industries served include food, manufacturing, retail, warehouse / distribution, postal, beverage, pharmaceutical, printing, and others.