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 Rubber Bellows
General Uses
Rubber bellows are installed on devices with ranges of motion to provide protection from dust and particles. Rubber bellows reduce the frequency of maintenance and increase the life by protecting equipment from contamination.
Design Principle
A typical application of a rubber bellow is a convoluted device with a connection on each end. The connections on each end of the bellow are firmly attached to the device on either side of a moving interface. On many applications the introduction of contaminants at the moving interface would pose a problem to the device. The bellow forms a seal that keeps the dirt and contaminants away from the critical components. The type and number of convolutions on the bellow determine the allowable travel range of the application. Pressure and vacuum conditions inside the bellow can occur in certain applications and must be considered during design. To minimize the possibility of creating pressure or a vacuum in the bellow, a breather hole is typically installed in the bellow. For harsh environments or critical applications, a filter can be installed in the breather hole to minimize the induction of contaminants.
Bellows must be properly matched to the application to maximize the longevity of the bellow material and more importantly the device it is protecting. Temperature, travel range, application and connection types are essential in the selection of a bellow. Contact CTG, inc. to ensure that your application is fitted with the correct bellow.
Design Considerations
Many different types of bellow connectors can be created to allow for a variety of applications. Connectors can be customized to include mechanical locks, clamping surfaces and many other features.
Contact CTG, inc. to create an engineered bellow for your application. Send your design prints and specifications to the bellow experts.
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