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Hynes IndustriesYoungstown, OH
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Phone: 330-799-3221
Fax: 330-799-9098
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 The Square Tubing and Rectangular Tubing can be rolled from open tooling with no tool charge. Hynes Industries offers custom cut lengths which can save you time and money. Hynes can eliminate your secondary processing by providing parts complete to your final part drawing to include features such as holes, notches, embosses and painting. We'll ship assembly ready parts direct to you.
Hynes Industries provides best-in-class order response and on-time delivery performance. Our on-site steel service center stocks over 35,000,000 pounds of prime material and provides slit coil to support your delivery requirements. We purchase mill direct, which saves you money!
Contact Hynes Industries with your Roll Formed shape requirements.
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 Hynes Industries provides imaginative, customized metalsolutions with an unyielding focus on product quality,customer service and delivery performance.This has been our formula since 1925. What we do every day is part art, part science—and 100% customer driven.
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