Products / Services:
 Lupton & Place is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Die Castings
    • Aluminum
Contact Information:
Company: Lupton & Place
Address:workLupton & Place Ltd
 workAthletic Street
 workBurnley, United Kingdom  BB10 4LR
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About Lupton & Place:
 Lupton and Place has been at the forefront of the European Aluminium Diecasting industry for over a century, and that is where they intend to stay.
With a strong emphasis on constant upgrading and improvement, and a continuous investment in plant, equipment and staff means that they are able to maintain a level of quality and passion for excellence that few can rival.
As a result of this, Lupton & Place has seen continued success across the decades, and it's no surprise that some of the most prestigious car manufacturers choose to work alongside them - from Jaguar, BMW and Saab to Iveco, Toyota and Scania.
Lupton & Place's in-house manufacturing and casting abilities are comprehensive, allowing them to offer aluminium diecasting that is completely compatible with the customer's final use for the piece.