Products / Services:
 Porex is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Filter Media
  • Polymers
    • Porous
Contact Information:
Company: Porex
Address:work500 Bohannon Road
 workFairburn, GA 30213  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About Porex:
 Over 50 years ago, Porex launched the sintered porous plastics industry by developing porous polymer materials to support caustic fluid separation processes. Since 1961, we have applied our extensive porous plastic material science, product design, and custom polymer manufacturing expertise to designing unique custom product solutions that overcome complex project challenges and enable quicker product launches. Healthcare, consumer, and industrial market leaders around the world rely on Genuine Porex custom plastic manufacturing components because of the high reproducibility of our manufacturing processes, which ensure that the billionth part is the same as the first.