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Contact Information:
Company: Preyco Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Address:work1184 N. Main Street
 workWaterbury, CT 06704  United States
Phone:Phoneworkpref800-432-4161 (Toll-Free)
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
Certifications: ISO 9001:2008
Contact: Dennis LaPerriere - Operations Manager
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About Preyco Manufacturing Co., Inc.:
 Company LogoPreyco Manufacturing today has 8,000 sq. ft. dedicated to eyelet manufacturing and deep drawn metal forming.

Preyco serves industries from automotive and hardware to refrigeration and cosmetics, electronic and electrical to marine and poultry. Our components are developed for wide-ranging applications including writing instruments, neon signs, paint rollers and security systems.

Family Operated, Customer Oriented, Quality Conscious Despite our varied output, Preyco approaches each project in the same way: with a willingness to work with customers and meet their needs. We can help you design for the right function or fit, or redesign an existing part for cost savings.

Family operation means the owners are fully involved with the business on a daily basis. They are personally committed to meeting customer specifications, making parts right the first time, eliminating nonconformances and meeting delivery requirements. Family operation also means you can always talk to someone with answers. To further demonstrate our commitment to quality and reliability, Preyco operations are QS 9000 and ISO 9000 compliant. Preyco is also internet, E-Mail and EDI (electronic data interchange) ready-all to make it more efficient and profitable to do business with us.