Products / Services:
 Richwood Investment Castings is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Investment Castings
Contact Information:
Company: Richwood Investment Castings
Address:work2140 Pleasant Valley Dr
 workHuntington, WV 25701  United States
 844-781-3465 (Toll-Free)
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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Map of Richwood Investment Castings
About Richwood Investment Castings:
 In 2003, Richwood Industries located of Huntington, West Virginia purchased the assets of its primary castings supplier. Richwood wanted to ensure it would continue receiving quality castings and receive them on time. The new castings company was named Richwood Investment Castings. We quickly discovered that there was a high demand for a quality castings company that had superior service matched with on time delivery.
With all of the equipment in place and a seasoned staff, Richwood Investment Castings hit the ground running.
Since then, Richwood Investment Castings. Inc has produced investment castings for a diverse customer base. Our valued customers cover a wide range of industries and they all have the same need, quality parts delivered on time.
At Richwood Investment Castings, we have embraced a process of continuous improvement. This is our commitment.
Industries We Serve:
  • Mining Industry
  • Electrical Industry
  • Construction Industry
  • Boating Industry
  • Tire Industry
  • Power Industry
  • Pumps and Hoist Industries

And Many others