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Contact Information:
Company: Wilson Mfg. Company
Address:workHwy. 75 North, P.O. Drawer 366
 workPipestone, MN 56164-0366  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
Contacts: Robert Douty - President
 Joseph Douty - Vice President of Production
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About Wilson Mfg. Company:
 Company LogoWilson Manufacturing Company was founded by Gail Wilson in 1952 in Pipestone, MN. Gail and his brother operated an implement business in Pipestone. When Gail or his brother sold a piece of farm equipment that required a hitch pin to be hauled home, Gail would have to go to a competitor and purchase a hitch pin. Gail was not satisfied with the designs of the pins that were available. So Gail constructed his own hitch pin from an old hay loader spring tooth and then would give the customer a choice between the pin he constructed or the pin he went and bought from his competitor. Almost every farmer took the pin that Gail constructed. Soon after this, Gail's brother went back to farming and Gail started his new career.