4-20mA Differential Pressure Transmitter up to 5,000 PSI Line Pressure

Press Release:
  Nov 19, 2013 — American Sensor Technologies offers its AST5400 differential pressure transmitter with a 4-20mA two wire output signal. The addition of the two wire output signal opens new markets and applications for the DP, which was traditionally used on off-road filtration systems and SCADA telemetry units requiring a voltage output signal. The 4-20mA output signal is more popular among test stand and OEM designs. It allows for long transmissions with greater noise immunity.

The differential pressure transmitter is available with line pressures up to 5,000 PSI (350 bar) and is typically packaged with a measurement range of 1/10 to 1/15 it's line pressure. AST can customize the measurement range to each customer's exact specifications.

For OEM applications, the AST5400 is available with an additional output signal from the transmitter. In addition to differential pressure, the AST5400 can also produce a line pressure output signal from the high pressure port or a temperature output signal. These additional outputs reduce the number of overall sensors and can add safety and reliability features previously not used.

For more information on the AST5400, visit: Wet / Wet Differential Pressure Transducer
For more information: http://www.astsensors.com/blog/view-entry/4-20mA-Differential-Pressure-Transmitter-up-to-5-0/36/#.UoukVNI3s1J
 Additional link: http://www.astsensors.com 
Tags: differential pressure transmitter, sensors, filtration systems
Company Details:
 Contact:Jean Carl 
 E-mail:positionsensors -at- macrosensors -dot- com 
 Company:NewTek Sensor Solutions View Company Profile 
 Address:workUS Route 130 North 
 Location:workPennsauken, NJ 08110  United States 
 Web Site:http://www.newteksensors.com