QuickSwitch All Optic (OOO) Fiber Optic Switch w/ Fully Decoupled Off-Line Capability

Press Release:
  Oct 5, 2007 — Electro Standards Laboratories has just announced the latest addition to its family of QuickSwitch Fiber Optic Data Switches, the Model 4196 ABCD OFF-LINE Switch. The Model 4196 is an all optical switch designed with fiber optic mirror technology. The signal is received by the unit as an optical signal over the fiber strand, is redirected by mirror mechanisms, and leaves the unit as an optical signal over a fiber strand (OOO).

The Model 4196 is more than just an ABCD fiber optic switch with four active positions. Most importantly, there is an OFF-LINE position where all ports are isolated from every other port, i.e., COMMON is not connected to A, B, C or D, and neither is A, B, C or D connected to any other port.

Switch position is changed with front-panel pushbuttons or via a device connected to the rear-panel remote port. Front-panel red LEDs indicate switch position, A, B, C, D or OFF-LINE. Remotely, a constant voltage of 8VDC on status pins indicates switch position. No signal on any of the status pins indicates that the unit is in the OFF-LINE position. When power is lost, the Model 4196 automatically changes to the OFF-LINE position and decouples all fiber optic connections in and out of the unit. When power returns, the Model 4196 automatically reads the voltages on the remote port and looks to the pushbutton activity to select its switch position.

For more information on fiber optic switch technology developed by Electro Standards, call 401-943-1164; email: eslab@ElectroStandards.com; Web: www.ElectroStandards.com.

Jeannette Gouin
Electro Standards Laboratories
36 Western Industrial Drive
Cranston, RI 02921
Tel.: 401-943-1164
Fax: 401-946-5790
Email: jeannett@lab.electrostandards.com
Company Details:
 Contact:Tina Corticelli 
 E-mail:tcorticelli -at- lab -dot- electrostandards -dot- com 
 Company:Electro Standards Laboratories View Company Profile 
 Address:work36 Western Industrial Drive 
 Location:workCranston, RI 02921  United States 
 Web Site:http://www.ElectroStandards.com